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 Mission Statement 

The Quakertown Historical Society is dedicated to fostering and perpetuating interest in the history of the greater Quakertown Community.  By collecting, preserving, interpreting, and celebrating Quakertown’s history, we link the past with the present with the goal of inspiring future generations.

     Quakertown was originally known as Richland and the Great Swamp. It was part of William Penn's original manor holdings, a 1000 acre tract known as the Manor of Richland. As a crossroad village with a tavern, it soon became a stopover for stagecoaches and commercial traffic between Allentown and Philadelphia. Although the center of an extensive community of Welsh and German farmers, the village center remained quite small until the mid-nineteenth century.


     By 1820, Quakertown contained approximately twelve dwellings. The construction of the North Pennsylvania Railroad (now the Reading) in 1855 gave a great impetus to growth in the area.



     By the late 1860's, an unincorporated village as large as Quakertown and known as Richland Centre had sprung up around the railroad station. In 1874, the corporate limits of the borough were extended to include Richland Centre and by 1880 the town had a population of nearly 1,800 people. The local industry included production of cigars, boots, shoes, tools, harnesses, wheel spokes and stoves.


     The Quakertown Historical Society is an all-volunteer organization comprised of a diverse group of individuals from the community.  The organization is led by a volunteer Board of Directors who chair multiple committees that work to preserve the Borough's rich heritage.



Christina Landis, President/Treasurer

Jack Schick, Vice President

Jan Hench, Secretary

Jim Lukens

Danielle Bodnar

Steve Biddle

David DiRenzo

Board of Directors


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Find us: 

26 N. Main Street Quakertown, PA 18951

© 2018 by

Quakertown Historical Society


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